Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 6: Goals

We're scrambling this week to get the arm done. Three days only??? We'll be swamped and struggling to get it done, if it's managed. If we get it to work though, that'll be fantastic. Arvin will be doing the SolidWorks arm, as the rest of us get the thing built!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Week 5: Accomplished This Week

Well, we had quite a busy week, especially for a midget week :D
We finally went through the Gauntlet!! It went about as well as you'd think, and after a bit of crashing into chairs, the bot finally made it.
As well, we had our box scrutinized and graded. Thankfully, we didn't have to go in front of the class because Tetrix, but we still got a 100% xD
Happy Spring Break.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 5: Goals

At this moment, it's kind of straightforward: we'll be getting our bot fully programmed and get everything done. What that is at the moment I do not know, but when I do it'll go straight up here :)
Cheers xD

Friday, March 14, 2014

Week 4: Accomplished This Week

Woo! We've finished our bot and it's mostly programmed. Congrats to us!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 4: Goals

Due to the setbacks we had last week, the Bot is still...disassembled. The first and foremost goal for this week is to get all the little fragments into one whole, working robot. From there, we will work on coding the robot, though for what I am not entirely sure yet.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 3: Accomplished This Week

In which we got not a whole lot done this week, but are progressing! We got all of our personal Tetrix pieces sorted out and ready for use. The SquareBot was started, but at this moment is in pieces (which is quite unfortunate, I will admit). We're working to stay on the right pace with the rest of Fourth Hour.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Week 3: Hard at Work

In which we have been working on getting our SquareBot completed this week.

In which I (Ayla) am putting one of those corner bracket things on one of the metal structure and Arvin is helping.

In which Arvin and Philippe are putting things together.

A shot of the classroom and everyone working. As well as their backpacks.

A decently bad picture of Shaina's face.

A whole mess of parts.

Arvin and Philippe again.

Jason, Shiana, and two boys I don't know looking through the bins of parts.

Masen and Philippe finding parts.

Kevin (I think) and Arvin looking for pieces.

Shaina working on a VEX motor testing pad thing.

In which we watch boys looking through parts to find things. In this video: Arvin, Philippe, Kevin, and Brian.

In which Shaina explains to me what she will be doing with programming and coding and such.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 3: Goals

We've reached our third week of robotics. As it turns out, we did not manage to start our Square Bot last week, so we'll be working really hard to get that started. Aside from keeping up with our Blog, that's what everyone should really be working on this week. That, and organizing our parts. We also finished our Solid Works model of our Square Bot. :)